Old Albatross

This site is dedicated to waterfalls, mountains, an old aviators memories, with lots of poetic liberties, some just plain made up, and interesting places to visit.

Top rated - Squibb Creek Falls **
Squibb Creek Upper Falls **468 viewsThis seems to be the upper most falls on Squibb Creek but, that could be a geriatrics view.

Lets one practice creek crossing, if you like that sort of thing.
(2 votes)
Top Of Squibb Creek Falls lower falls **498 viewsLou and I took the hike up Squibb Creek after a night of heavy rain. If your thing is creek crossing this is for you.

The round trip is about five miles and with the water level high and a trail not much different than the creek, a grand time was had by all.

We found getting to the bottom of the falls, with the high water, was a little risky hence the top photos.

I recommend this trip just for the fantastic cascades below the Falls.

(2 votes)
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